Why have text content

Websites need text content. Search engines like it, and it helps your costumers find you. One thing that I always try to impress on my clients is a need for relevant, original content. Yes, this can be time-consuming and a bit of drudgery, but the results can really pay off.

Picture 2Search engines utilize complicated algorithms that are proprietary and people who do search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) rely on their experience of search engine behavior and customer search terms to increase search rank visibility — basically that your site shows on the first page of search results. SEO is where the site structure and site content all conform to W3C standards (clean code, and alternatively accessible) and utilize the inherent structure and content to maximize keywords and phrases that your customers are searching. SEM is a broader term and encompasses paid search terms, pay-per click, and paying for search engine inclusion. If your site can’t be found or is not relevant on it’s own, this is a good time to update your web site.

Even if you are an artist and your site is composed mainly of images, there are alternative text tags, meta tags,* and file names to help identify your product even without a lot of text on the visible Web page.

* Meta tags seem to go in and out of vogue as much as black. I like to include them, as Google will still show a meta description rather than the first text it runs into in the search results allowing for control over what is viewed by the potential customer.